This powerful fusion of Myofascial Release and Yin Yoga aims to cultivate a profound sense of relaxation that can deeply influence the physical, mental and emotional body.

Myofascial release is a self-massage technique designed to release tension in the myofascial tissues (connective tissues around muscles) of the body. Through gentle pressure on the connective tissues, this technique aims to soften muscle knots, enhance mobility, promote blood flow and fluid circulation, stimulating energy flow and calming the nervous system.

MyoYin Yoga is a comprehensive and effective method that not only relieves pain, but also increases mobility and flexibility from head to toe. You also increase your inner and outer body awareness and thus develop a better feeling for what serves your body and your energy system at any given time.

Once you have changed the habitual holding patterns of the fascia, you can begin to influence the chronic tension in the tissue, leading to physical and emotional healing (which can manifest themselves in your body in the form of tension and pain, among other things.)


You can attend a class (see timetable)