Seated Acupressure Massage is based on the traditional Japanese acupressure technique called anma. Anma is Japanese for ‘press and rub’ and this therapy aims to stimulate the acupressure points in the head, neck, shoulders, arms, hands, spine and lower back.

Seated Acupressure Massage is also known as ‘On Site Chair Massage’. It is an extremely popular therapy and is very effective for people with back and shoulder issues. The therapist uses his or her hands to stimulate the energy points which can be found all along the meridians, or energy lines, of the body. The therapist uses a specific sequence of movements, which are designed to improve the flow of energy throughout the body and balance and strengthen the body’s muscular, circulatory and nervous systems.

Clothing does not need to be removed and no creams or oils are used.

Seated Acupressure Massage is excellent for relieving stress and tension and encouraging knotted, tight muscles to loosen up. It helps with backache, repetitive strain injury, asthma, headaches, migraines, toothache, fatigue, sinus problems, menstrual pain, digestive problems, eyestrain, anxiety, irritability and insomnia.

The sequence of movements takes about 25 minutes from start to finish, and leaves the client feeling relaxed, refreshed and energised.


Single session 30 minutes €35
3 sessions 3 x 30 minutes €90